Change the capacity of my water heater

Choosing the right capacity of an electric water heater is essential to guarantee comfort and energy efficiency. Here is what you need to know and prepare before changing the capacity of my electric water heater:

  1. Available space: Do you have the space needed to accommodate the new water heater? Obviously, a water heater with a larger tank takes up more space. It is therefore very important to measure the space required to install the new water heater, as well as the space required to move it to the location where it will be installed.
  1. Electrical Power: Are the electrical panel and circuit breakers powerful enough to accommodate your new water heater? You also need to make sure your electrical wire is adequate. If you have any questions, we can guide you. For major modifications, you will need to call an electrician so that everything is compliant before installing the water heater.
  1. Hot water needs: The customer must ensure that they choose the model that will meet their hot water needs. It depends on the number of occupants in the residence/business and the frequency of use. If you plan to use the washer (hot water), the dishwasher (hot water) and the shower at the same time, your water heater will need to be equipped with a larger tank. A family, on the other hand, which washes in cold water and takes quick showers, will be satisfied with a smaller capacity tank.
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